Saturday, March 15
Sk8rt Art Show & Benefit Concert at Grog Shop & B Side Lounge
Art at 5 p.m. | Music at 7 p.m. | Performances at Grog Shop & B Side Lounge!
$15 Donation to Benefit Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital
Art opening and light snacks will run from 5-8 p.m. downstairs at B Side Lounge, feel free to stop in and browse. All art will be for sale with 20% of proceeds benefitting Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital. Participating artists TBA. If you would like to contribute skateboard-inspired artwork to the show, you can reach out to Staci McNasty at
[email protected]. Artwork must be dropped off at Westside Skate in early March.
Music upstairs at the Grog starting at 8 p.m. with The Kilroys.
T.A.C.K. (from New Orleans)